Creative Business Manifesto E-Course Fall Sessions
Fall Session of The Creative Business Manifesto E-Course: A personal guide to for growing your business. TWO CLASSES START: Sept. 4th & Sept 11th
Are you ready to grow but unsure of what the next steps are? This course is for you.
It’s called the Creative Business Manifesto™ E-Course, and it’s designed specifically to help freelancers and small business owners like you create clarity, lay a solid foundation, and build your brand.
One of the biggest challenges solo-preneurs deal with is consistently worrying about evolving and moving their business forward. This twelve-week course will teach you how to direct your focus onto what matters most, so you have the space to generate and drive new ideas that make your business thrive.
You and a select group of creative business owners will meet via video chat on a bi-weekly basis (total of six video sessions), and together you’ll fast-track your growth through the type of shared support and inspiration that is unique to this kind of curated group.
“This group helped me by transforming how I thought about my business. By going through each strategic session of the manifesto, I was able to evolve from an order taker designer to a creative strategic partner to my clients. Added value and defined clarity helped me really understand how I want to define my business mission for not only professional success but for personal gratification – and helped me grow my business.” ~ Jenny Poff, Presque Isle Designs, LLC
The course will culminate in a clear, personalized plan for moving your business forward, and, best of all, you’ll have access to the course resources for life. That means you can proceed at your own pace and come back to it whenever you need guidance or a recharge.
The Creative Business Manifesto™ E-Course is a twelve week series with six live video sessions held on a bi-weekly basis in a group of nine business owners:
Session 1 – EXPLORE You’ll take inventory of your business and get a better understanding of where you are and where you want to go.
Session 2 – DISCOVER Your trade and craft are just the beginning of what you offer your clients. In this session you’ll determine what sets you apart from others in your industry.
Session 3 – PERCOLATE You’ll integrate where you want to go and what sets you apart to lay the foundation for creating a plan for your business.
Session 4 – CREATE Your process, goals and perspective define the foundation of the business you want. This is the first step to putting your creative process into action.
Session 5 – PLAN A plan can be a powerful tool when it’s flexible and based in your personal needs and strengths. We’ll help you draft a rock-solid plan to create both structure and freedom.
Session 6 – MOMENTUM “The secret to your success is found in your daily routine.” (John Maxwell) Here you’ll identify achievable daily steps that will set you on the path towards your plan, building momentum and taking ownership of your manifesto.
Ready to sign up? Here’s what you’ll need for the course:
*The drive to shape and create your business in a way that supports your entire life and that feels good.
*An understanding of or openness to the power of working in a group setting.
*The desire to be a part of a group of creative business owners with similar successes and challenges. An appreciation for feedback and new perspectives.
In return, you’ll get from the course:
*Clarity on what you want out of your business.
*A solid foundation – one of the most important things in starting or growing a business.
*Expert feedback on distilling your skills and services into easily understood offerings for your clients.
*Clearly defined, achievable actions that lead directly to your goals.
*Inspiration and support from a group of creative business owners just like you.
*A one-on-one private coaching session with RaShelle – a value of $200.
*An opportunity to grow your community and resources.
*A clear focus on what matters most to you as an entrepreneur, while being able to grow and change with the needs of your clients.
*A written document that you can reference as a guide through important business decisions and use as an ongoing tool to review the results of your work.
Because of the structure of this E-Course, you get the incredible benefits of the group dynamic and the insights I’ve developed over the past 16 years for $349. Sessions will be held through Google+ as a roundtable style setting. Once you are registered you will receive a questionnaire to repair you for our first session.
Two classes and dates to choose from: September 4th & September 11th @11am PST. Register deadline August 27th. Seating is limited to 9 participants per class.