Speaker + Writer + Strategist
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Running a creative business isn’t easy . . .
Evolving your business, having ideal clients, getting paid well, being considered a partner versus an order taker, finding a balance between constant deadlines and marketing yourself consistently, directing your business versus being at the effect, balancing the needs and responsibilities of being a creative and being a business owner to name just a few.
Creating something sustainable driven by your own passions can be even harder. You are most likely...
- Challenged by staying in the creative zone while learning to run a business
- Find yourself taking work you’re not passionate about just to pay the bills
- Dream of your business growing in a particular direction but can’t seem to gain any momentum in that direction
- Suffer from feast or famine mentality and it's taken a toll on your creativity
The commonalities of running a creative business are usually quite obvious. It's my mission to help clients create and evolve into a sustainable business. Keep in mind - creativity is one of the most powerful tools we have.
Create Clarity Out of Chaos.
Sometimes we need someone to take a bird’s eye view for us, to see through the choas with a fresh perspective, or to be our partner {without actually being our partner}. Most of all, to hold us accountable for the growth we keep saying we want. After a while this perspective transforms the day to day grind to a sustainable way to run your business.
I’ve Been In Your Shoes
- I was a partner of a graphic design firm
- I know what it feels like to run a creative business
- I understand the challenges you face
- I’ve experienced the highs and lows as well
- I switched gears 20 yrs ago from running a design firm to coaching creatives
What You’ll Get From Working with Me
- A clear plan and guidance along the way
- Accountability for creating a business you love
- A trusted partner who understands
- A guide, strategist, confidante, coach
- 20+ years of experience
want to hear more?
Would you like to take me up on a 30-minute consultation?
What do you most want to accomplish?
What are your biggest challenges?
Let's find out if we're a fit.